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Adaptive everything! Do optical networks really need more flexibility?

Details are subject to change.

  • Organisers

    Lidia GaldinoCorning, UK
    Domaniç LaveryInfinera, Canada
    Sergejs MakovejsCorning Inc., USA

  • Subcommittees

    SC6 – Optical Transmission Systems
    SC4 – Techniques for Digitally Enhancing Optical Communication

  • Day & Time

    18.09.2022, 09:00 – 12:30

  • Location

    Room Singapore

  • Description

    As state-of-the-art transmission equipment pushes towards higher spectral efficiencies and symbol rates, there is an equally important drive for flexibility in optical networks. In response to this, highly flexible bandwidth allocation, adaptive constellation entropy (or spectral efficiency), and machine learning-based DSP paradigms are all being considered for future network deployments. However, adaptivity increases system and network complexity. Could other solutions be more cost-effective or practical?

    In this session, a cross-section of representatives from industry and academia will give their take on the questions of adaptivity and flexibility in future optical networks.

    The workshop will be divided into four sections:
     •Crystal balling: how to make a deployment decision today based on the next 20 years’ needs?
     •Do we need more (or less!) adaptivity in optical networks?
     •Capacity without complexity: can we meet capacity demands with better fiber/cables, alone?
     • Reality versus fiction in autonomous networks

  • Programme

    Introduction (3 min)
     09:00 – 09:03: Workshop organisers 

    Session 1: Crystal balling: how to make a deployment decision today based on the next 20 years’ needs? (12 min)
    09:03 – 09:15: Glenn Wellbrock, Verizon, USA

    Session 2: Do we need more (or less!) adaptivity in optical networks? Why? How does the answer depend on the application space? (75 min)
    09:15 – 09:25:400ZR and OpenZR+: Enabling New Network Architecture OptimizationAngela Finn, Cisco, USA
    09:25 – 09:35:Challenges of operating an adaptive zero margin networkMilen Paskov, Meta, UK
    09:35 – 09:45:Long haul adaptive networking strategiesPierre Mertz, Infinera Inc., USA
    09:45 – 09:55:Optical Network Flexibility: A Cloud Operator's PerspectiveMark Filer, Google, USA
     09:55 – 10:30: Panel discussion: Do optical networks really need more flexibility? The vendor/operator perspective

    Coffee Break (30 min)

    Session 3: Capacity without complexity: can we meet capacity demands with better fiber/cables, alone? (20 min)
     11:00 – 11:10: Is multi-core fiber ready for deployment?, Tetsuya Hayashi, Sumitomo, Japan
    11:10 – 11:20: Applications of relevance for SDM: fiber and cable perspectiveMerrion Edwards, Corning, UK

    Session 4: Reality versus fiction in autonomous networks (70 min)
    11:20 – 11:30: Towards zero margin networking: what is possible and what is desirable?Seb Savory, Cambridge University, UK
    11:30 – 11:40: Adaptive networks exploiting learning-assisted physical layer modellingQunbi Zhuge. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    11:40 – 11:50: Fully autonomous networks: Why not close the loop?Robert Keys, Ciena, Canada
    11:50 – 12:00: Do network automation and security go hand in hand?Marija Furdek Prekratic, Chalmers University, Sweden
    12:00 – 12:30: Panel discussion: Where is the low hanging fruit for improved optical networks?