Moving from optical components in RAN to optical components for RAN
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Fabio Cavaliere, Ericsson, Italy
Day & Time
18.09.2022, 14:00 – 17:30
Room Rio
Generic optics, developed for applications different from RANs, may not fit the requirements of the mobile transport network. Optical components natively conceived for radio access and based on technologies driven by its requirements (right optics at the right time and the right cost) would accelerate the pace at which RANs are deployed and decrease the relative cost of the optics as part of the total RAN solution. All industry players (communication service providers, system vendors, and optical pluggable vendors) can gain from a cooperative approach where a common and shared view of the features that the RAN requires from optical components is built first. This fosters a bigger and less fragmented market when the usual competition phase starts. It would make it easier, and with lower risk, to estimate and plan the evolution of networks and products. Moreover, R&D work can be done faster and more effectively with reduced risk and a better ecosystem with more stable and sustainable supply chains can be put in place. The MOPA (Mobile Optical Pluggable Alliance) is an example of this new approach.
In the workshop, major industries, network operators and representatives of the research community will provide their view, pointing to solutions to fill the current gaps in standardization and technology development, accelerating the deployments of 5G transport networks and making them more cost-effective.
Introduction (5 min), Fabio Cavaliere, Ericsson, Italy & Ronald Heron, Nokia, USA
Session 1: Mobile transport requirements: operators’ perspective
14:05 – 14:15: Optical access network for RAN: current state and possible evolution paths, Junichi Kani, NTT, Japan
14:15 – 14:25: Unlocking Open RAN Opportunities with Optical Networks, Philippe Chanclou, Orange, France
14:25 – 14:35: Multi-Operator Network Sharing over Open Optical Networks, Edward James Echeverry Zuleta, Telefonica, Spain
14:35 – 14:45: Intersection of RAN Design and Optics, Mark Watts, Verizon, USA
14:45 – 14:55: RAN as one service in a metro optical network, Andrew Lord, BT, UK
14:55 – 15:05: Q&A, Fabio Cavaliere, Ericsson, ItalySession 2: Mobile transport requirements: system providers’ perspective
15:10 – 15:20: Capacity expansion in fronthaul networks: opportunities and challenges, Antonio Tartaglia, Ericsson, Italy
15:20 – 15:30: Extending Coherent Technology to the Radio Unit with P2MP Intelligent Coherent Pluggables, Antonio Napoli, Infinera, Germany
15:30 – 15:40: Mobile transport requirements: TCO for Fronthaul – Options and solutions - short complete review, Lieven Levrau, Nokia, France
15:40 – 15:50: Open optical edge connecting mobile access networks, Jim Zou, ADVA, Germany
15:50 – 16:00: Q&A, Ronald Heron, Nokia, USABreak (15 min)
Session 3: Optical components for RAN
16:15 – 16:25: Aligning MOPA Blueprints with Industry Standards, Kenneth Jackson, Sumitomo, USA
16:25 – 16:35: Opportunities and Challenges of High-Bandwidth Components for RAN, Marc Reig Escalé, Versics, Switzerland
16:35 – 16:45: Tunable optics for front-haul networks, David Lewis, Lumentum, USA
16:45 – 16:55: Short Reach Communication: is finally time for coherent transceivers?, Luca Potì, CNIT, Italy
16:55 – 17:05: Smart Wavelength Tunable Transceivers for RAN Applications, Ken Cockerham, II-VI, USA
17:05 – 17:15: Q&A, Fabio Cavaliere, Ericsson, ItalyWrap-up (15 min), Fabio Cavaliere, Ericsson, Italy & Ronald Heron, Nokia, USA
Chair 1: Fabio Cavaliere, Ericsson, Italy
Short bio: Fabio Cavaliere is Expert in Photonic Systems and Technologies at Ericsson, where he leads the standardization strategy in optical communications. Fabio is author of about 130 filed patent applications, 90 publications on optical networks and the book “Photonics applications for radio systems and Networks (Artech House, Boston, USA). Fabio is in the technical program committees of international conferences on optical communications, guest editor of the Applied Science Special Issue on Optical Networks, and editor of the ITU-T Recommendation G.698.4. He is in the Board of Stakeholders of Photonics 21, in the Expert Advisory Board of Networld2020 and in the Quantum Flagship Strategic Advisory Board.Chair 2: Ronald Heron, Nokia, USA
Speaker 1: Junichi Kani, NTT, Japan
Title: Optical access network for RAN: current state and possible evolution paths
Biography: Senior Distinguished Researcher at Access Network Service Systems Laboratories at NTT CorporationSpeaker 2: Philippe Chanclou, Orange, France
Title: Unlocking Open RAN Opportunities with Optical Networks
Abstract: This presentation reviews existing and coming optical access architectures and technologies for 5G and beyond mobile communication networks to unlock Open RAN. We will focus on last mile network segment to connect Antenna with optical fiber.
Biography: Philippe Chanclou received the Ph. D. and Habilitation degrees from Rennes University, France in 1999 and 2007 respectively. He joined the R&D facilities of France Telecom in 1996. In 2000, he joined the University of ENST-Bretagne (now IMT Atlantique) as a senior lecturer. During 2001 to 2003, he has participated to the foundation of Optogone Company. Since 2004, he joined Orange Labs where he is now manager of Fixed Access Networks team. This team is an active about delivery, standardization and research concerning FTTx topics for Home, Enterprise, and Antenna (including backhaul, midhaul, fronthaul). Dr. Chanclou is IEEE senior member. He received the SPIE Rudolf Kingslake Medal and Prize in 2007.Speaker 3: Edward James Echeverry Zuleta, Telefonica, Spain
Title: Multi-Operator Network Sharing over Open Optical NetworksSpeaker 4: Mark Watts, Verizon, USA
Title: Intersection of RAN Design and Optics
Biography: Mark Watts has been primarily focused on physical layer transport, data and IP engineering. Most recently focused and dedicated to wireless transport for 4G and 5G networks, standards development and architectures. He interacts regularly with the Verizon Wireless Regional Engineering Regions and Territories, other HQ Planning organizations, various HW and SW suppliers and Standards Bodies.Speaker 5: Andrew Lord, BT, UK
Title: RAN as one service in a metro optical network
Biography: Andrew Lord joined BT in 1985 after a BA in Physics from Oxford University. He has helped design a wide range of optical network systems and technologies, including long haul subsea and terrestrial DWDM networks He currently leads BT’s optical core and access research including optical access, high speed transmission, and Quantum Communications. He was Technical Program Chair for OFC 2015 and General Chair for OFC 2017; he will be TPC Chair of ECOC 2023. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, is Visiting Professor at Essex University, Senior Member of the IEEE and a BT Distinguished Engineer.Speaker 6: Antonio Tartaglia, Ericsson, Italy
Title: Capacity expansion in fronthaul networks: opportunities and challenges
Biography: Antonio Tartaglia is a System Manager and Expert in Photonics, focusing on optical solutions for RAN and RAN transport networks. He has worked with optics in a variety of roles, from production engineering to hardware and optical systems design, and holds a M.Sc in electronics engineering.Speaker 7: Antonio Napoli, Infinera, Germany
Title: Extending Coherent Technology to the Radio Unit with P2MP Intelligent Coherent Pluggables
Biography: Antonio Napoli holds a Ph.D. from the Politecnico di Torino. He was with Siemens, NSN, and Coriant in 2006, 2007, 2013 respectively. Since 2018, he has worked for Infinera on XR optics to enable point-to-multipoint optical networks. He served as an OFC TPC member (2017-2019). He has been three times guest editor for IEEE/OSA JOCN and JLT. He is the technical coordinator of three Marie Curie H2020 projects. His research interests include DSP, wideband optical systems, transmission modeling, and ML/AI for optics. Dr. Napoli co-authored 7 patents, 240+ peer-to-peer reviewed articles, and one book chapter.Speaker 8: Lieven Levrau, Nokia, France
Title: Mobile transport requirements: TCO for Fronthaul – Options and solutions - short complete review
Abstract: This short presentation evaluates and compares the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a higher speed Time Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network (TDM-PON) with other Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) architectures, and equally the packet technologies documented in the Mobile Optical Pluggables (MOPA), technical document version 1.1.
Biography: Ir. Ing. Lieven Levrau received an M. Sc. degree in Applied Physics engineering (Photonics) from the University of Brussels (V.U.B. ’94) and he has studied Avionics at the University of Ghent (BE). He has participated in several European and national research projects. His current research interests are focused on related to multi-layer deterministic optical packet and transport networking for service providers and cloud providers. In his current role as Product Line Director, he leads, the Business Unit strategy covering mobile transport solutions and architectures and virtualization converged access solution, including 5G, and the network virtualization tool suite.Speaker 9: Jim Zou, ADVA, Germany
Title: Open optical edge connecting mobile access networks
Biography: Jim Zou joined ADVA Optical Networking, Germany, in 2016, currently driving emerging initiatives inside Global Business Development and supporting ADVA’s global sales organization. He is also a core member of Product Line Management for the optical access solution, advising product design and roadmap. He actively participates in the O-RAN Alliance for the RAN x-haul transport specification, and recently in the Smart Tunable MSA. Prior to that, he was a Principal Engineer leading EU and national research projects in the area of next-gen optical access. He received the PhD degree from Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 2015.Speaker 10: Kenneth Jackson, Sumitomo, USA
Title: Aligning MOPA Blueprints with Industry Standards
Biography: Kenneth Jackson is Product Marketing Director at SumitomoSpeaker 11: Marc Reig Escalé, Versics, Switzerland
Title: Opportunities and Challenges of High-Bandwidth Components for RAN
Biography: Marc Reig Escalé is CEO at VersicsSpeaker 12: David Lewis, Lumentum, USA
Title: Tunable optics for front-haul networks
Biography: David Lewis is a Technologist with Lumentum with a focus on optical communications. He is active in several standards bodies and industry groups including IEEE 802.3, ITU-T study group 15, OIF, and numerous industry MSAs and alliances. He is current chair of the Smart Tunable MSA and a former chair of the 802.3cc 25GE over single mode fiber task force.Speaker 13: Luca Potì, CNIT, Italy
Title: Short Reach Communication: is finally time for coherent transceivers?
Biography: Luca Poti is Head of the Research Area “High Capacity and Secure Optical Communications” with the Interuniversity National Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT) at the Photonic Networks and Technologies Lab in Pisa, Italy and Full Professor at the Universitas Mercatorum in Roma, Italy. He has published 1 book, 6 book chapters, and more than 400 international journal papers, conference papers, and patents. He served as a coordinator or scientist within more than 50 Industrial and Institutional International Projects. He was chair, co-chair, organiser for several International and National technical conferences and workshops.Speaker 14: Ken Cockerham, II-VI, USA
Title: Smart Wavelength Tunable Transceivers for RAN Applications
Biography: Ken Cockerham is a Product Marketing Manager at II-VI with responsibilities for managing the Direct Detect Wavelength Tunable transceivers portfolio including developing and setting the marketing strategy and new product planning for these designs. Ken’s career has amassed over 30 years of experience in the Optical Communications industry which started at AT&T. He has held various positions in Manufacturing before transitioning into Technical Marketing and then Product Marketing roles. Over his career, Ken has covered a wide range of products including Analog/CATV lasers, EDFAs, and currently Duplex and Bidirectional Wavelength Tunable transceivers operating at data rates up to 25Gb/s.