(On-chip) Frequency Combs from NIR to THz
Details are subject to change.
Giacomo Scalari, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
CLEO®/Europe Focus Meeting
Day & Time
18.09.2022, 09:00 – 12:30
Room Boston
In this workshop, we will be discussing the last trends and advancements of optical frequency combs, spanning a broad frequency range from NIR to THz, with an on-chip twist. Several approaches to comb generation (fiber-based, Kerr combs, QCLs and ICLs, non-linear conversion, supercontinuum…. ) and characterization will be presented. Themes such as soliton formation, spectroscopic applications, device integration as well as hybrid approaches to comb operation will be debated. The workshop will feature 15 minutes-long presentations from the individual panelists as well as a final, half-hour long Q&A panel interactive session to promote discussion and exchange views on the different proposed approaches.
Session 1 (90 min, 15 min per speaker + 30 min discussion)
Kerr nonlinearities in quantum cascade lasers: From phase turbulence to solitons, Benedikt Schwarz, TU Wien, Austria
Combs based on phase modulated recirculating loop from fibre to monolithic integration: Challenges and Solutions, Cyril C. Renaud, University College London, UK
Quantum Cascade Frequency combs: solitons and short pulses, Jérôme Faist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Self emergent and robust cavity soliton microcombs, Alessia Pasquazi, University of Sussex, UK
Panel discussionCoffee Break (30 min)
Session 2 (90 min, 15 min per speaker + 30 min discussion)
Broadband Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation on a CMOS-based Chip, Christian Grillet, INL – École Centrale de Lyon, France
Electrically pumped mode-locked lasers on a silicon and silicon nitride platform, Bart Kuyken, Universiteit Gent – imec, Belgium
Supercontinuum generation: shaping a spectrum for MIR applications, Christian Lafforgue, EPFL, Switzerland
Microresonator Soliton Frequency Combs for THz Generation, Pascal Del'Haye, Max Planck Insitute for the Science of Light, Germany
Panel discusssion